In most cases, divorcing Wisconsin parents who have young children will be dealing with one another for quite some time after their marriage ends. Even after their children are grown, they will likely attend functions to celebrate milestones their children reach throughout their lives.
While marriages sometimes end, parenting relationships do not. During a divorce, some people get wrapped up in the emotional conflicts they have with each other. Most children do much better emotionally and socially when their parents are able to get along well even though they are no longer together. Having an amicable divorce and planning ahead can help children to be happier and better adjusted.
Parents should take the time to examine the relationship they currently have with each other and think about ways in which they can improve the ways in which they communicate. This may involve making changes regarding the frequency of their contact and the tone of the communication they do have. They should actively avoid fighting in front of their child, involving the child in disputes or saying negative things about each other to or in front of the child.
When a couple has children, their divorce will involve a lot more than resolving disputes over their property division. Unless the parents can otherwise agree, child custody and visitation decisions will be made by the court. If parents are able to step back from the bitterness they may feel and put it behind them, they may be happier in the long run. They also may be happier if they can come to a decision on custody and visitation with the help of their respective family law attorneys rather than having the court dictate the terms.