Milwaukee County is making use of social media websites in an effort to deal with parents who neglect their child support payments. In some cases, the child support payment amounts provided have been minimal, but the parents who owed support made posts to their Facebook pages or other social media accounts that indicated the financial means to meet their obligations.
In at least one case, a father faces felony charges because of his post in which he bragged about his take-home pay. He has paid a total of $189 in child support during his 3-year-old child’s life, an average of 14 cents per day. The youngster is suffering from leukemia, which has resulted in extensive medical tests, treatments and stays in the hospital. According to an assistant district attorney for the county, social sites have provided an important tool in dealing with such non-support issues. In a separate case, a parent posted images in which wads of cash were displayed. The parent had only made one support payment ever, a total of $100. Another incident involved a man who made a significant purchase when support was due.
One may imagine that such posts are simply careless actions that the individuals failed to consider. However, officials indicate that there may be a sense that these details don’t matter and that they may not be monitored. As attention to such sites is considered during divorce and custody settlements, there may be more leverage available for lawyers representing custodial parents.
Access issues may be sensitive if an ex-spouse uses privacy protections to keep posts from displaying to those who might use such information in a legal setting. This makes it wise to consult an attorney about the possibility of investigating social media postings on an individual’s account.
Source: Opposing Views, “Fathers Face Charges For Avoiding Child Support, Bragging About Money On Facebook “, Sarah Fruchtnicht, July 17, 2014